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Join us for an afternoon with Paolo Trepiccione as he talks about his book Forever Connected, his reasons for writing his story and his personal journey through the process. The story powerfully weaves together the material and the spiritual world, and is an adventure through life, loss, love, pain, and catharsis.

Paolo is frank, honest and open about his mental health, and the reasons for wanting to enable those with similar experiences to be assured that they aren’t alone – he has achieved this through his writing.

The afternoon will comprise of a talk, readings, and an open discussion/Q&A about mental health. Dogs are very welcome. Tea, coffee, biscuits – and doggy treats – will be available.


“Trepiccione’s Forever Connected powerfully weaves together the material and the spiritual world. With heart-aching grief at its core, it stories the physical and metaphysical through imaginative, divine and lived experiences. The parallel storyings and narrative engagement with esoteric knowledge, dismantle the contemporary, modern three-dimensional world, to open up interactions with the non-human and more-than-human, showing that love and death, memory, and breath are woven into our DNA and manifest in the worlds around us. Forever Connected tells the story of alchemizing grief into gratitude while at the same time, creating a space for the reader to do the same.” ~ Brooke Collins-Gearing

“It’s no secret that the world has become a darker place in the last decade. Our societies strain under the pressure self-serving governments and globalist organisations have placed upon it. Societal cohesion isn’t what it used to be. People find themselves increasingly isolated from each other in, ironically, the era when things like social media should have made us more connected. It’s normal people that suffer the worst in these times. Sure, there is a lot of noise about mental health awareness from our screens, but there is little action taken. When a person experiences a trauma, or a breakdown, or something else that smashes their life apart, there are precious few resources to help that person. This is what spurred me to write Forever Connected. I went through a week from Hell, and there was nothing that the “system” would do to really help me. I had to arm myself with the tools to help myself, read the great works of those that came before me and distill it into a plan to level myself off, to build a foundation from which to stop my descent into deeper darkness and propel myself to new heights beyond what I had been before my dark night of the soul.

“This book is a frank discussion of a life derailed. These aren’t subjects real people like us are discussing with each other enough. I walk the reader through the journey I was on, from the tragic events, their meaning to me, the impacts on my wellbeing, and the methods I found to help myself. It gets deep, but not technical, comforting, but not preachy. I also wrapped it in the guise of a fantasy story, because metaphor and stories are the universal human currency. I personally feel that there is too much nihilism in our entertainment these days, and not enough uplifting heroism, so Forever Connected serves that other purpose also.” – Paolo Trepiccione.


11th February, 2024
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Event Category:


Luton Literature
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Browns Books
77 High Town Road
Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 0BW United Kingdom
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