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Are you ready for the journey of a lifetime?

Then join our palaeontologist friends, as they embark on an exciting adventure through the jungle to meet Babsy the Mad Scientist and use her new time machine to take them back in time to meet their favourite dinosaurs in person. After a visit from Leo the Lion, Molly the cheeky Monkey and the evil Dr Nasty the time machine goes wrong and opens a doorway from the past transporting Terry the T Tex into present day. Oh no it didn’t! Oh yes it did! They quickly devise a plan to defeat Dr Nasty, find the dinosaur and send him back to the past.

Join us on this exciting, unmissable, and fully interactive Jurassic Panto style adventure filled with music, fun and laughter along the way. An unforgettable dinosaur themed stage show for all the family. Can you roar like a dinosaur and help us return Terry The T Rex to the past? Would you like to meet a baby T Rex in person? Then why not join Babsy and the team after the show and have a photo with our friendly Baby Dino Rex. It’s going to be Roar..some!

Run time. 70 mins


11th April, 2024
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Luton Library Theatre
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Event Price


Luton Library Theatre
St George’s Sq
Luton, Bedfordshire LU1 2NG United Kingdom
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