A place where divides drop and humanity unites. Where speaking and listening is natural and free. Each UTTER! Lutonia is slightly different but just as full of warmth, joy, challenge, ideas, glorious people and wonderful words.
And this is the TENTH ANNIVERSARY of UTTER! Lutonia . . . on a damp Thursday evening in 2013, Marjorie’s Kitchen in Hightown fostered a spark that has fizzed and popped for a decade now. As a wise man once said “poetry is an explosive device and Luton is the perfect fuse…”.
There will be free badges, a dedicated UTTER!zine and all sorts of words, old and new alongside the constants: an open door, a welcoming atmosphere, an eclectic and challenging set of ideas and always the kindness
Line up:
Veronica Ebanks
Sarah M Davies
Lizzie Fretwell
Laura Warner
Paul Eccentric
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