Hot Orange
It’s summer. It’s hot. Like really hot. Like ice pop after melting ice pops hot. Like orange midday sun hot.
It’s summer. It’s hot. Like really hot. Like ice pop after melting ice pops hot. Like orange midday sun hot.
Join us for live music gigs in the Hat Factory on the last Saturday of the month, presented by Luton Live/s.
Join the club! Handpicked titles for the whole family to enjoy, screened at The Hat Factory Arts Centre.Film: Frozen Sing-a-long
Headliner - Cryptic Shift
Come and enjoy an immersive film experience, with a night of specially curated short & art house films by our friends at Bute Street Festival. Experience cinema differently whilst socialising amongst cinema goers in a chic converted Hat Factory.
AVXLuton presents the first ever Beat Club!
Vinyl Revelations in conjunction with Culture Trust Luton proudly presents:
Bedfordshire’s Biggest Disability Club Night!
A Gospel Celebration
Get your hands on the beautiful djembe drums and learn the intricacies of playing West-African rhythms in this musical workshop.